Argentine Chicken Empanadas

Emapanadas are like a warm pillow full of goodness. This is my favorite chicken filling recipe that is beyond delicious and the simple dough recipe results in a buttery, flaky crust.

This dough recipe is definitely worth making in advance instead of the pre-made discs. I understand that a lot of time is being saved by using the pre-made discs but I promise making the dough is very simple and it really doesn’t take that long to make. I also think it tastes a hundred times better than the pre-made discs. One tip I have is, make the dough the night before. Just keep it in the fridge until you are ready to make the empanadas.

There are many different variations for empanadas in Argentina. I have yet to try them all but a few of my favorites are, spinach/cheese, ham/cheese, chicken and beef. My husband is Argentine so I learned to make these from his family. You can bake them or fry them. You can also distinguish the different ones by creating a pattern when you close the edge.

Let me warn you the second they are done, I’m sure they will be gone in a flash. Enjoy!

Argentine Chicken Empanadas
Chicken Filling
- 1 Tbsp Olive oil
- 1 Onion
- 1 Garlic clove minced
- 1 Red bell pepper chopped
- 2 Tomatoes chopped
- 1 Tsp Paprika
- 1 Tsp Cumin
- 3 Chicken brest finely chopped
- Salt and pepper
- 2 Hard boiled egg
- 1 Cup Green olives
Empanada Dough
- 4 Cups flour
- 1 1/2 Tsp Salt
- 3 Tbsp Sugar
- 2 Sticks Butter
- 2 Egg yolks
- 3/4 Cup Milk
Chicken Filling
- Add olive oil chicken, onion , garlic, paprika, cumin, salt/pepper cook until done then add bell pepper and tomatoes. Set aside egg and green olives, add a piece of egg and one green olive to each empenada before closing. You also want to make sure you don’t over stuff your empanadas about a tablespoon of filling for each one.
Empanada Dough
- Sift flower, salt and sugar. With a fork cut through butter with dry ingredients. Next wish in egg yolks and add milk until you form a ball. I like to make 4 flattened balls and refrigerate until ready to roll out. I would take it out of the refrigerator to soften up a bit so it’s easier to roll out. Roll dough on a flowered surface and cut into the size circle you like. I think my cutter is 6 inches round. After rolling out discs fill with filling water the edges and form a seal or cut with a dough roller. You can give them an egg wash and bake at 400 for 15/20 min or no egg wash and fry in oil until they float and look bubbly.